One more suggestion about ClassView

Gygax Hans-Peter Gygax at
Thu Sep 2 14:39:45 BST 1999


I think the "TIP" comments are not necessary. The KDOC standard (used by KDE
developers) allows programmers to document classes and class members in a
standardized and machine-parsable way; all we need is to have KDevelop do
that parsing.
As for grouping: I agree here, but I find it a little verbose. How about
"extending" the keywords "public", "protected" etc. by appending the section
name in a comment ?
	class XXXX {
	public: //$S user-interaction
	  void foo();
	public: //$S widget rendering
	  void bar();
	  int notInterested;

since nothing forbids specifying "public", "protected" etc. more than once.
("$S" means "this is a section"; omitting it means this is not a section).

I don't know about sub-sections, though... shouldn't that be left to inner
classes ?

Just my thoughts

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Carlo Sirna [SMTP:carlo.sirna at]
> Sent:	Thursday, September 02, 1999 10:51 AM
> To:	kdevelop at
> Subject:	One more suggestion about ClassView
> > > Christian
> > It would be even better if you´d put public, protected and private
> member
> > functions and the variables into a separate sub tree each.
> > (maybe make this configurable?)
> You gave me another idea!
>  It would be GREAT to be allowed to put in the source code some special
>  comments, like these
> class MyClass
> {
>    // SECTION("User Interaction", "These functions are fired in response
> to
> user interaction with the widget")
>       virtual void onEntering();   // TIP("Fired when widget gets input
> focus")
>       virtual void onKey(); // TIP("Fired on key press events")
>    // SECTION ("Widget rendering", "on screen drawing procedures and
> options)
>      virtual void Paint(); // TIP("Performs actual rendering");
>      void SetBkgColor(TColor t); // TIP("Set background color")
> }
> This should allow to build a ClassView tree like this
> class myclass
>    |- User Interaction
>    |    |-onEntering()
>    |    |-onKey()
>    |-Widget Rendering
>         |-Paint()
>         |-SetBkgColor()
> I wish that sections could be also nested (this is why I proposed used a
> begin/end structure).
> While I was writing I had another Idea: inserting in the code some
> tooltips
> (sorry for the windows slang, but I am still not experienced with linux
> programming...) to be showed when mouse cursor moves on an item of the
> tree...
> This is why the SECTION keyword has 2 arguments: the second is the
> tooltip.
> but (forget tooltips) being allowed to define some grouping for the
> members
> it would be incredibly useful... especially with classes containing tenths
> of members.
> C'mon guys...Keep on coding, you are doing great :-)

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