Generic RPM spec file for KDE apps
Gordon Tyler
gtyler at
Thu Oct 21 20:14:35 BST 1999
Here's that spec file I promised. You can use it with any KDE project made with
KDevelop (actually, probably any autoconf-based project). I suggest that you
copy it into your project's base directory and in KDevelop, include it in your
project. Then check the files properties (in KDevelop) to make sure that's
included in the distribution but not installed anywhere and then modify the
contents of the spec file to match your project (name, version, etc). Then when
you select Project->Make Distribution->Source-Tgz, the resultant archive will
contain the spec file. This allows you to build your rpm very easily:
rpm -tb --target=i386 myprojdist-1.0.tar.gz
And that will unpack, configure, compile and build the RPM for the i386
platform (generic Intel). You can also specify 1586 or 1686 for Pentium and
Pentium Pro/II optimised builds respectively.
Make sure that the i386, i586 or i686 directories in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS exist
before running this command otherwise it fails right at the end after it's done
everything and wants to copy the RPM ;)
A little explanation of what some of the less obvious fields mean:
Source: The name of the source archive, e.g. myprojdist-1.0.tar.gz. But the
%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz should work as long as you have the Name and Version
fields set correctly.
URL: The website where information about this package can be found.
Maybe the KDevelop guys can work out a way of automatically generating a spec
file like this for a new project and adding an RPM option to the Make
Distribution menu?
--- Codito, ergo sum - I code, therefore I am ---
Gordon Tyler <gtyler at>
PGP key available on request or via finger gordon at
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