KDevelop does not get converted to DocBook + date and version

Eric Bischoff ebisch at cybercable.tm.fr
Wed Oct 20 02:21:43 BST 1999

> The converted documents of kdevelop are in
> http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/~fouvry/kde/kdedoc-db.tgz (the problem with
> unknown tags has been solved (book is now converted into book as well)


> - just check what they are converted into: I could not find what cdx,
> nidx and ncdx mean). 

I guess it is some kind of glossary/index management.

Hmmm... If you don't translate them, I guess we will be losing a lot of
information, because those tags are heavily used. If anyone from kdevelop reads
this, please give some help ! ;-)

> As you will notice, there are quite a few
> problems with unclosed tags in the LinuxDoc SGML source (and
> subsequent validation errors).  If these are fixed, then the output
> results will be much higher quality (for a start, it will be closer to
> a valid document, if it is not one).

This looks really like a remark directed to KDevelop guys ;-)

I will not continue with KDevelop until all of this is fixed.
> | Frederik ? Should we go for it ?
> I should say yes: revhistory is like what goes in CVS, the releaseinfo
> and date are the interesting information.

Done, in the template, the crash-course, and in docbook/index.html.

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 Eric Bischoff   -   mailto:ebisch at cybercable.tm.fr

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