KDevelop does not get converted to DocBook (fwd)

Martin Konold konold at alpha.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
Sun Oct 17 15:48:25 BST 1999


-- martin

// Martin Konold, Herrenbergerstr. 14, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany  //
KDE:  A stable GUI for a reliable OS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:45:31 -0400
From: Eric Bischoff <ebisch at cybercable.tm.fr>
Reply-To: kde-devel at kde.org
To: kde-docbook at kde.org, kde-devel at kde.org
Subject: KDevelop does not get converted to DocBook
Resent-Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:53:30 +0200
Resent-From: kde-devel at master.kde.org

To the KDevelop authors :

There are many problems with the conversion to DocBook of KDevelop.
It looks like it uses a version of the LinuxDoc DTD that we didn't know before.
There are too many errors to be corrected manually as I usually do with the
other packages.

Here are some tags that are not recognized :
<book> <subtitle> <chapt> <cdx>. etc...
(since <book> is the root tag and is not recognized, it is not
surprising that other tags get rejected).

Please contact me. We'll try to understand the problem together and to find a

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 Eric Bischoff   -   mailto:ebisch at cybercable.tm.fr

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