Some bugs...

Peeter Russak pezz at
Fri Oct 15 12:54:41 BST 1999

There are some bugs I think should be corrected:

* Pasting with mouse's middle button:
	When selecting some text with mouse and pressing middle button of
	mouse pastes selected text into the place of mouse cursor and not to
	the place of text-cursor as would be expected. CTRL+V does the right
* Parsing the sourcecode.
	Saving or reading in file that contaions line
		class Foo : public {
	gives an error:
	on `aName != __null && qstrlen( aName ) > 0' failed.
	Aborted (core dumped)
	Yes it has buggy syntax but lines like that can be found during
	fast coding or maybe at the moment of autosave. Maybe it's
	not a real bug at all, but a result of my little hack-and-pray fix 
	to another bug: at least in 1.0-19991009-A source there's a missing 
	function, only declaration was in h-file (name was something line 
	yyWrap or smth, can't look at the source at the moment) and of
	course when linking it gave an error.
* Back button in the browsing bar
	Could the menu under Back button be in the reverse order? Smth like
	netscape's Back button; first step back is the first line in the
	menu, second is second etc. At the moment the first step back is the
	last one in the menu.


P.S. Does anybody know where to get rpm of qt-2.0.2?

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