QT 2.1

Stefan Preble sfp2322 at ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Fri Oct 15 02:46:53 BST 1999

I'd just like to say that we should move to QT 2.1.x build 9/10/99 or 9/9/99
ASAP for the kde2 tree of kdevelop. For one, kde-core is using it now. And
secondly, they finally fixed file dialogs :)  It actually supports multiple
filters (finally...) and allows you to select files in a much more sane
manner.. It also actually displays the files you've selected in the text
box.. It still has its quirks but it's a lot better than QT 2.0.x and
especially better than 1.44.

BTW, if any of you are having trouble following what is going on in kde-core
regarding the compiling of QT 2.1.x just follows these directions:

./configure -gif

you're all set.. whoever said copy emoc into moc is just uhm.. screwy :)

Stefan F. Preble

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