other problems and bugs...

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Thu Oct 14 23:55:36 BST 1999

 here is this evening report on problem and bugs.
Tomorrow I'll start with the HEAD brunch.

Question: what is the status of multi project (multilibrary)
Right now I'm creating a project for every library, and on the
dependent poject I'm linking it against the library generated by other

The only problem here is that the CV, LFV have to be properly
structured, for having subproject visibility...

o  possibility to create from a project, the library only (.a), the
   executable, or both

o  in the RFV there is no "Properties" for the file selected from
   the pop-up menu. In general the pop-up menu used in LFV and RFV
   should be the same....
   Why not adding a move/copy of a file??? 
   There is no properties for a folder in RFV (why not moving/copying
   that too???)

o  The creation of the project Foo implies the creation of the
   project directory, that you can call whatever you want (default
   foo). Inside that directory, why is the directory of subproject
   named foo without any a chance to change that name (in may case I
   want it to be named Foo too!!!).
Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at schedsys.com                        .'
+1 (617) 484 2999                        .'
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      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
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