Project on

Tim Bird tbird at
Tue Oct 12 17:24:49 BST 1999

I represent Lineo, an vendor of Linux for embedded systems.
We are interested in kdevelop as a development tool, and are
specifically interested in using it as a fully functional development
environment, with as few legal or licensing barriers as possible.

To this end, we have posted a project at: 

The gist of the project is that we would like to see htDig (or some
other free indexing system) available as a search engine in
kdevelop.  This need not exclude the use of glimpse (which is the
current search engine), but could be provided as an option.  Glimpse
is a powerful and useful tool, but is currently non-free for 

We are willing to commit $1000 (US) to the project.  Already there
is one proposal outstanding as a bid on the project. The bid is
for slightly more that our advertised interest level.

I thought I would advertise the project request here, in case a
kdevelop expert was willing to work on it.  The one party that
bid on the project was concerned about his ability to get the
code integrated back into the main code base.  Can any one of the
main developers comment on the likelihood or unlikelihood of that?

Obviously, a pure volunteer could perform this project and
donate the revenue to the kdevelop project (if that's possible).
Or some starving kdevelop developer could use the money to feed
themself and their family.

We don't have the time or engineering staff to perform this work
ourselves, but are interested in promoting or sponsoring the
work to (hopefully) everyone's eventual benefit.

Any responses on the appropriateness of this type of funding,
or willingness to participate in this project, would be appreciated.

Tim Bird                                  Lineo, Inc.
Chief Technology Officer                  383 South 520 West
tbird at                           Lindon, UT 84042

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