Plugins API? (Building an kdevprj to RPM converter)

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at
Sun Oct 10 23:53:35 BST 1999

On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Ralf Nolden wrote:

> ian reinhart geiser wrote:
> > 
> >         Greetings,
> > 
> >         I have just compleated a applet that will take
> >         a KDevelop project and create an RPM from your
> >         tgz dist.  I wish to make it a plugin for KDevelop
> >         but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work.
> > 
> >         Currently I must be swallowed by KDevelop like KDBG
> >         and KTranslator. Is this a valid option? I am not sure
> >         yet.
> Did you try to make a patch by creating a new slot in CKDevelop for this
> and call the maketargz slot or whatever it is called before to create
> the tarball ?
> I think that would be the simplest solution for integrating as we and
> the users of course as well wanted to have a rpm builder interface in
> KDevelop, but we didn't have the time to do it yet.  If it is not too
> much work, you could turn your code to a slot like this maybe ?

	due to my current programming skills (or lack there of)
	that may take me a little longer.  I figure I will post
	a test version on the web later this week.  If people
	take enough interest I will DIG into makeing it a patch
	to KDevelop.

	also the other problem i have is that one needs to run
	the make tarball before they can make the RPM....

	i am looking to find a way to pass this information
	into make but again i am haveing troubles following 
	the make file...

	i guess i will post this program on my web page this
	weekend and will wait for suggestions.

	-ian reinhart geiser	

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