BUG: linking additional libraries (Was: Re: linking additional libraries)

Thomas Regner tomte at subdimension.com
Thu Nov 25 05:14:48 GMT 1999

On Mit, 24 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> I've noticed that when I use the following options:
> -lmysqlclient -lpthread
> it works just great, but if I reopen the project options, it shows as
> ysqlclient -lpthread
> and the math library is checked... (-lm)
> I can correct it and my code compiles fine, but if I reopen the options, it 
> is screwed up again...

This was mentioned earlier on this list and should be fixed in current
snapshots, according to a posting by Walter Tasin dated 1 Nov 1999
| Thomas Regner			
| Kaiserstr. 5			
| 26122 Oldenburg		
| Tel.: +49 441 7775005		
| E.:   tomte at subdimension.com	

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