wish: comment/uncomment blocks of code

Thomas Matelich tmatelich at zetec.com
Thu Nov 4 14:52:41 GMT 1999

Here is what I think would be ultimately cool in the editor.  The ability
to have it act like a tree view.   A + or - button next to functions or
comment blocks or userdefined areas, so you don't have to look at that
ugly paint routine (or whatever) as you're scrolling through the file.


Falk Brettschneider wrote:

> Hi,
> It would be cool, if there was a feature "Comment/Uncomment" that works
> on marked blocks. Maybe it can be placed in the context menu of the
> marked block.
> --
> Ciao,
> --Falk

Thomas O Matelich
Senior Software Designer
Zetec, Inc.
sosedada at usa.net
tmatelich at zetec.com

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