rookie asks basically question

Stefan Heidrich sheidric at
Mon Jun 21 12:54:25 BST 1999

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, you wrote:
>Hi there!
>	Yesterday I installed KDevelop KDbg and other stuff. So far so
>good. After starting KDevelop I suggested to create a new project, so I
>said PROJECT NEW, answered some of the wizards questions. Now the wirzard
>was ready, but there's now way to build the project. One of the reasons
>the missing configure in the build tree
>	Did I forgot something or is this problem due to the alpha phase
>of KDevelop?!
>	Claus

Hi Claus!

If there are any messages in the application wizard, can you put the
messages from the error-widget in the application wizard (last page the small
widget) to your mail. So i can see, what goes wrong.


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