feature tips and small bugs.

Ansley, Michael Michael.Ansley at intec.co.za
Fri Jun 18 16:06:17 BST 1999

>> This could really cause problems
>> > if several people works at the same CVS based proj using 
>> KDevelop since there will be changes
>> > to the kdevprj file on everybodys computers and the CVS 
>> might flip? 
>> Flip? What do you mean?
>> > Does this mean that it 
>> > isn't possible for two people to use KDevelop at the same 
>> project and work at the `same time'
>> > with two different kdevprj's ? 
>> If you put the project file into cvs, then everybody gets 
>> the one that
>> was commited the last time. If you want everybody to have 
>> his own, either
>> don't put it in the cvs or don't commit modified versions.

I think the point here is that the kdevprj file is updated needlessly in
certain situations, which will cause any source control mechanism to think
that there are real changes to it, which require a commit.  This would be a
problem.  Of course, this may not actually be the case, but I think that was
the intention of the mail.


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