A really huge bug.

Markus Gustavsson mighty at fragzone.se
Wed Jun 16 16:41:34 BST 1999

The first time I had this problem I thought it was a big bug, and I thought you would
find it and remove it the very next day so I didn't say something, but now it seems
like most people are using KDevelop 0.4 and the CVS snaps without any problems, so
pherhaps it's something special with my computer, or `can' it be that I have some 
files mixed up since I've installed KDevelop CVS snaps over and over again like every
second day for a long time, some old spooky file which mess it all up ?

mboss at suntea:/> kdevelop
QGList::locate: Index 4 out of range
CClassView::refresh( proj )
kdevelop: PersistantClassStore.cc:209: bool CPersistantClassStore::hasClass(const char *): Assertion `isOpen' failed.
mboss at suntea:/>

That's it, I start KDevelop and everything works just fine untill I open a project of
any kind, it doesn't matter if it's an old proj or a new created one from the wizard.
This problem, exactly the same prob has been here in my box for the last 1.5 - 2 weeks
both in the CVS and in the newly rel'ed 0.4 ver.. If you know what it is, just ignore it
otherwise this might be some nasty thing pherhaps...

* I love you all, HUGS * :D 

PS. the snips above is from when i tried to open a new KDE mini proj from the Wiz in 0.4.

                                   __   _
Markus Gustavsson                 / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
Asperodsvaegen 12B               / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
45134 Uddevalla, Sweden         /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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