integration of qt-tmake-projects

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Mon Jun 14 07:44:22 BST 1999


Frédérik Bilhaut schrieb:

>  So it may be intersesting for KDevelop to be able to
> import .pro files, and not to generate them.

Are you crazy? ;-)  I use KDevelop to develop cross-platform Qt applications.
Thus I need to EXPORT .pro files to recompile the whole stuff on Microsoft's
Win32 system! If you avoided supporting profiles, KDevelop would lose an
important feature and the whole thing would keep fussily for all
cross-platform Qt programmers.

I think every Developing environment should use tmake .pro files to manage the
pure source code and hold it's special environment settings in an extra file.

> It could just be a little
> script that reads a .pro file and generates equivalent .kdevprj file and
> configure script. (and maybe directory structure). I would write this
> very quickly, making able to port tmake project to kdevelop projects
> asap. Don't you think so?



Falk Brettschneider
mailto:gigafalk at

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