integration of qt-tmake-projects

Frédérik Bilhaut bilhaut_f at
Fri Jun 11 18:13:30 BST 1999

Ralf Nolden wrote:

> I downloaded tmake some weeks ago but didn't make any attempt to work
> with it due to other more important work. As the next release comes
> nearer, this feature probably won't make it into it anymore. On the
> other hand some more to do for 0.5


  As I told before on this mailing list, I wrote once upon a time a very
little KDE program to manage tmake files.
So if you plan to integrate .pro files support in KDevelop, I would be
happy to make a (very) small contribution to your project, developping
the tmake-related code. Would this help a little?

Best regards,

* FREDERIK BILHAUT                               
* bilhaut_f at                         
* KMySql project
* kmysql at

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