Making Libraries with KDevelop

Tilo Riemer riemer at
Thu Jun 3 21:54:39 BST 1999

---Reply to mail from Sandy Meier about Making Libraries with KDevelop

> Am Sat, 22 May 1999 you wrote:
>>>Hi everyone!
>>Are there already plans about integrating the possibility for making
>>libraries(shared and static) with KDevelop?
> You can generate static libraries by adding sourcecode to subdirs. (works with
> the current CVS
> snapshot).
> Or do you mean complete project types for shared libs and static libs?
> Anyone on this list, who want to build shared libs with KDevelop?, 
I want ;-)

>and if yes
> as a standalone
> project or in subdirectory of a KDE/Qt project.  What is the best or the most
> wanted
> solution?
as standalone project (with files into project which are located in 
subdirectories outside the project path)

I think a wizzard for libs are very usefull!

cu, tilo

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