Hepl Please - Cannot install KDevelop 0.4

Rajiv Sankranti rajivsan at boulder.net
Mon Jul 26 15:19:02 BST 1999

I just dowloaded the KDevelop 0.4 rpm. I have the following
configuration :

RedHat 5.2
KDE 1.1.1
Qt 1.44

When I try to install the rpm, kpackage gives me an unsatisfied

Where can I find this new glibc?
Please let me know soon, I am dying to get started on the new KDevelop
0.4 (I have been using 0.3.1)

ps - This KDevelop is great stuff. I keep showing it off to all my
MS developer colleagues . I am  sure that when it is done, KDevelop will
be better than Visual C++.
Keep up the good work.

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