Tutorial application

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Jul 22 08:16:35 BST 1999

Hi all,

due to requests about a *complete* tutorial application also showing the
doc/view model, I need a volunteer for the job of creating that
"KScribble" app. The Qt 2.0 documentation at http://www.troll.no 
contains an example (not at tutorial) application scribble. 

What the intention is and how it's going to look like is implementing
the stuff of this example into a KDE app generated by the appwizard.
Complete it with saving, printing and loading files.

Then commit the example to me and I will put it into CVS. a description
of the various changes and their purpose would be *very* welcome. 

The reason I ask for this is the requests and that I can't do it myself
because I have absolutely NO time to do it until the KDE release. It's a
one or two day job for a programmer, so it can't be that hard. I'm
writing exams right now which have the highest priority but would give
advice where needed.

Would please someone speak up for this ?

John Zedlewski ?  I saw you mentioned you're writing some tutorial,
could you do this for us ?



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