Bug: Wrong font in one dialog (patch incl.)

Jacek Stolarczyk jacek at mer.chemia.polsl.gliwice.pl
Sat Jul 17 13:30:50 BST 1999


In "Tip of the day" dialog the label "Do you now that?" cannot display
iso-8859-2 fonts, so its specific characters (which occur in Polish
translation) are displayed incorrectly. The Polish translation reads
"Czy wiesz, ¿e...?".

The problem seems to be in ktipofday.cpp, so the following patch should
fix it:
--- ktipofday.cpp       Wed Jun 16 19:32:14 1999
+++ ktipofday2.cpp      Sat Jul 17 14:44:05 1999
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
        did_know_label->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 );
        did_know_label->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 );
-               QFont font( "Arial", 14, 75, 0 );
+               QFont font( "Helvetica", 14, 75, 0 );
                font.setStyleHint( (QFont::StyleHint)0 );
                font.setCharSet( (QFont::CharSet)0 );
                did_know_label->setFont( font ); 

The patch is based on the fact, that in font selection dialog, I
haven't got the "Arial" font but "Helvetica". Should I create a link or
is the patch in place? I yes shall I apply it?


Jacek Stolarczyk
jstolarz on cvs.kde.org
Coordinator of Polish translations of KDE

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