AW: UML Editor

Darius Stachow shiva at
Fri Aug 20 14:12:37 BST 1999

Hi Frank !

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Hi Darius,
> hi all!
> I'm very interested in your UML editor project.
Great ;-)

> What's the current state and can I download it?
The editor can display and edit almost flicker free the drawing items (moving,
resizing and so on).
In the moment there is support for some elements of a class diagram (Classes,
Textnotes, Connections, ...).
Printing is also available.

But there are still many things I have to do. There is for example no
implementation for loading and saving.

The first public version will only be able to handle class diagrams. The other
diagram types will be implemented later (by myself or anyone who wants to help).

As mentioned in another mail I will release the first public version this year.

> In case you need a ready-to-use (almost) widget to display and edit 
> UML diagrams, please let me know. I would be glad to contribute
> my widget to this project.
Thank´s for your offer. But I want to use my own widget.
My Reason to write such an UML editor was to learn more about UML and writing
graphical editors and so I prefer to develop this things myself.

Why do you not write yourself an UML Editor if you have a ready-to-use UML
editor widget ?

Can you tell me a little bit more about your widget ?


Open your mind ...

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