some suggestions
James Oakley
jfunk at
Tue Aug 10 06:16:31 BST 1999
Somebody moderate this up :-)* Too much /......
"Amir E. Aharoni" wrote:
> 2. Icons that should be on the toolbar: Save all, Open recent project,
> Un/Indent. Generally, toolbars should be customizable like in a certain
> unnamed "visual" IDE ... (but this request should probably go to kdelibs
> and Qt developers)
I agree completely. I used that other IDE for a brief period at my last
job (only when I needed a certain library that wasn't useable in
Cygwin32. National Instruments? Can you hear me?) and I actually grew
fond of that save all button.
> 3. Search and Replace should work with special characters (\n, \t
> etc...) and regexp's. In a certain unnamed _WORD_ processor there's a
Again, I find this important. I've many times come across that special
case (usually with indents).
> 4. Pleeeeeeease add braces around one-lined if/else/while/do blocks in
> wizard-generated code. Again sorry about being a weenie -- but that's a
> style requirement at my workplace and many other places i heard of and
> IM_very_HO it makes code much more readable.
This is the way I do it to, for consistency. I also adhere to the { at
the end of the line, remember this is how it's done in the Linux kernel.
However, different companies may have different ideas. Make it ultra
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