"The KDE-Documentation-Path isn't set correctly." + assorted whinings

Gal Aviel galaviel at netvision.net.il
Thu Aug 12 17:55:00 BST 1999

thanks for the reply !
can you recall the path from which you retrieved
kdoc ?
thanks again,

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I had many problems with doc generation until I found out that I was using an
> old version of kdoc. Notably, the one in the "stable" tree does *not* process
> the libs  correctly, you have to use the more recent version from  the "current"
> tree, as indicated on the KDevelop homepage. The old version creates a number
> of doc files and then gives up with processing errors, and the file that
> KDevelop looks for to verify the presence of the documentation (I think it was
> kdialog.html) isn't among the generated files.
> Hope that helps.
> Ulrich
>  --
> +-----------------------------------------------------------+
> |                     Ulrich Heinen                         |
> |   Institut fuer physikalische Chemie I de Universitaet   |
> | Chemie III, Zi. 506 * Albertstrasse 21 * D-79104 Freiburg |
> |        (0761) 203-6208 * heinenu at ruf.uni-freiburg.de      |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------+
Gal Aviel                       
aviel_g at netvision.net.il  

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