A lot of minor bugs. BUG #1

Denis Oliver Kropp dok at fischlustig.de
Thu Aug 12 16:24:45 BST 1999

Leon's crap from Don, 12 Aug 1999:
> Hi!
> There is no email address in anywhere of Kdevelop beta package 
> to send bugreport. There is a menu item "bug report", but it is not 
> clear what this item is gonna do: whether it will call local sendmail
> (in case it is installed) or some other thing (Netscape for example).

i think it runs local sendmail, sendmail then tries to send it within some days

> The email address of destination of these menu-generated bugreports
> is also not known. These both things are frustrating to user (me).

the mails are sent to the kde bugdatabase

i sent three of them ;-)

> I have lots of such minor complaints (I didn't have time
> to dig out major bugs, because I downloaded KDevelop only yesterday).
> Does anyone want to hear them all? KDevelop is a great idea, but it
> has some roughness in implementation. I want KDevelop to be great 
> in all.
> -- 
> Leon.
> ---------
> "This may seem a bit weird, but that's okay, because it is weird." -
> Perl manpage.
Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.
www.fischlustig.de/clanbomber	www.clanlib.org

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