Spell check the code!!!!

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Fri Aug 6 17:57:10 BST 1999

	it seems silly but I was talking with a collegue of mine and he said
that could be cool to have the spell checker in the IDE, for checking
all the strings and comments in the code or anyway you want it to apply:
docs, even variable names... how many time we get 'pos' 'posit'
'position' for referring to 'position' because we didn't have any
synomins of position??? A clean, correct, and appropriate code is always
welcome/helpfull ;) 

In that way we don't have customer complaining on "flihgt" instead of
"flight" and so on... ;)
or project mamager complaining "all the varialbe name are identical!"

What do you think???


Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at schedsys.com                        .'
+1 (617) 623-4155                        .'
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     (.--. _   `._       `'---.__.-'
      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
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