KDELIB documentation

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Aug 6 09:02:07 BST 1999

derek_mason at smtpgw.liebert.com wrote:
>      Hi all,
>      Having got the Beta 1 sources and compiled it all to a working system
>      on SuSe 6.1 (KDE1.1) I find a couple of niggles.
>      1) KDevelop seems to need Xgettext which I don't have, cant seem to
>         find it either in the distribution or on the 'net
Xgettext is in package gettext on the suse distribution CD's.

>      2) Same for Ksgml2html
KSgml2html is probably available as rpm for SuSE over ftp. Otherwise get
kdesdk including ksgml2html


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