Changes to the website: Disabling ability to post comments

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Apr 30 11:44:33 BST 2020

Am Donnerstag, 30. April 2020, 10:44:04 CEST schrieb Kevin Funk:
> So I'd recommend for new KDevelop release posts to just state sth like this
> at the end of the post from now on:
>   "If you have any remarks or in case you find any issues in KDevelop,
> please let us [know]("
> Users are then encouraged to post to the KDevelop mailing list, forums or
> bug tracker instead, where it's easier to counter spam.

Agreed. FWIW, for all the releases where I did the release posts, I had 
disabled the comment section from the start, as I would not be checking any 
comments there at all. And instead made sure the last line stated something 
"Should you find any issues in KDevelop 5.5, please let us know on the bug 

Your proposal though is better, as it also points to the other contact 


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