New release coordinator wanted for KDevelop 5.5
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at
Mon Nov 4 20:08:13 GMT 2019
Am Montag, 4. November 2019, 20:33:58 CET schrieb Christoph Cullmann:
> On 2019-11-04 20:20, Sven Brauch wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > thank you very much for your work on KDevelop, Friedrich! Sad to see
> > you step
> > away from doing those releases.
> >
> > All the best,
> > Sven
> Same here!
> Thanks for all the work!
It is a pleasure when working with you people :)
> For the future, might it make sense to let KDevelop join the KDE
> Applications (or later Releases or how
> they will be called) to just release with the other stuff?
The actual tarring, signing & uploading is the least of the work, thanks to
releaseme (so thanks Harald). It's a 5 min job running scripts, even with all
the current 3 repos kdevelop, kdev-php, kdev-python.
The larger amount of work is doing the release notes (e.g. making sense of the
changelog for the readers/users) as well as testing (e.g. the AppImage or
building from the tarballs when being perfect).
Those are things which will not be taken over when being served by the
"Release Services", it still needs KDevelop contributors to take care of that.
And the Release Services also come at the price of losing flexibility when it
comes to release-when-ready.
But sure, if no-one is found to care for that, having the basic release work
being served by the Release Service team (hoping it is staffed itself with
enough people) would be an option to make sure new code is flushed out to
users in timely manner at least.
All IMHO :)
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