Scheduling releases of 5.4.0 and 5.3.3

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Tue Jul 9 18:59:50 BST 2019

On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 9:12 PM Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
<kossebau at> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 5. Juli 2019, 20:57:33 CEST schrieb Christoph Cullmann:
> > I have a short question: Why not just let KDevelop be released with KDE
> > Applications
> > like e.g. Kate?
> >
> > Do independent releases really help?
> When it comes to releases, what work is shifted to the people doing the
> release work? Tarballing, tagging and uploading. Which IMHO is not really the
> hard part of a release (and releaseme makes it even simpler).
> The actual work is the promo. And testing what gets released. That work is not
> shifted.
> And what one loses is the flexibility to do release schedule matching own work
> patterns or 3rd-party needs.
> At least from my Okteta experience, own releases make more possible, at low
> additional cost.
> Cheers
> Friedrich

I'm not as sure as you are that it's the same amount of work.

In the end the testing generally has been done by the devs running
regularly master and making sure it's in a proper state and autotests.
Expecting to find issues during the release process seems scary.

That said, it has worked provided there's people willing to do the
work. I agree that creating the tarballs per se is not that hard.


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