what about clangd?

Christoph Cullmann christoph at cullmann.io
Fri Aug 23 22:25:24 BST 2019


> Hi,
> Interesting!
>> you can take a look what is possible with clangd via LSP with the Kate
>> LSP client plugin.
> Any chance that this plugin could work in KDevelop with only minor 
> changes?
>> But this is a really orthogonal path to how KDevelop includes language
>> support.
> KDevelop's C/C++ parser is also based on clang, but depends on the
> project manager to provide the compiler arguments which means you get
> good parsing with cmake-based projects, so-so parsing with QMake
> projects, and hit-and-miss parsing with all other kinds of projects I
> have ever worked with. That includes autoconf-based projects. Having
> an optional alternative parser can't hurt, esp. if it can survive
> crashes in libclang!
> If this lspclient already being included in release tarballs?

The lspclient is only in the master branch of kate.git.

I think activating it for KDevelop would be a bad idea.

The LSP approach is more thought for light weight editor
language integration, like in Atom/... (or Kate).


Ignorance is bliss...
https://cullmann.io | https://kate-editor.org

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