Creating Language Plugin not used for new language

Sven Brauch mail at
Fri Sep 14 16:26:39 BST 2018

On Friday, 14 September 2018 15:45:32 CEST Roland Pluess wrote:
> Looks like I'm again stuck.
> I've managed now to get the DUChain building stuff (DeclarationBuilder and
> UseBuilder) working. The Highlighting works only on found declarations. Any
> kind of source code highlighting I can not get working.

Hmm, does the highlighting not work at all now or only on declarations? If the 
latter, do you create any Uses for the uses of your variables?

> I've got a Kate Syntax XML file which I used so far. I've also installed
> this file alongside my plugin. KDevelop sees it in the source highlighting
> listing and I could select it but it is not selected automatically. Without
> the Language Plugin the syntax highlighting would be automatically selected
> but not if I use the Language Plugin.

The last sentence I don't quite understand. If the mime type and the ending 
matches, it should get selected unless there is a conflicting highlighter. In 
any case, highlighting set by language plugins override the highlighting from 
the XML file.

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