D8709: [WIP] Add VcsAnnotationItemDelegate, for control of rendering, menus and tooltip

Kevin Funk noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Sep 4 17:53:28 BST 2018

kfunk requested changes to this revision.
kfunk added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> brauch wrote in CMakeLists.txt:48
> Sorry Aleix, I'm strongly against this. Requiring KF5 5.40 effectively means nobody using ubuntu will be able to self-compile KDevelop easily before mid-next-year, it means we have to rebuild our windows dependency chain (which in the past always turned out to be at least a day's worth of fiddling), and so on. It's simply not worth it. Let's keep the ifdef and wait for more things depending on later KF5 to come up before we bump the requirement.

+1 on Sven's remarks.

@kossebau Why's that still commented?

> vcspluginhelper.cpp:399
>              annotateiface->setAnnotationModel(model);
> +            KTextEditor::AnnotationViewInterfaceV2* viewifaceV2 = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::AnnotationViewInterfaceV2*>(view);

Or simply:


in this file. /me doesn't like `#ifdef`s, `#if`s are easier to track since you're getting compiler warnings when the define gets lost for whatever reason.

  R32 KDevelop


To: kossebau, kfunk
Cc: kfunk, brauch, apol, kdevelop-devel
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