preamble-XXXX.pch housekeeping

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Thu Nov 29 15:59:55 GMT 2018

On Thursday November 29 2018 11:22:57 René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> Ideally we'd use a session-specific directory under /tmp or $TMPDIR and empty it at session start and (clean) exit.

A quick look through the clang sources shows that these preamble files are created in a system temp directory unless CINDEXTEST_PREAMBLE_FILE is set to a specific path. So there is a backdoor to control the exact path for these files, but you have to set it explicitly each time one is to be created.
The alternative is to set one of TMP, TMPDIR, TEMP or TEMPDIR. This is what Qt Creator appears to do, but from what I understand this IDE runs the parser in a separate process so it can set TMPDIR and family to something seen only by the clang parser. KDevelop could probably use TEMPDIR (on UNIX) and maybe TMPDIR on MS Windows?


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