Problem with commit "Improved StatusbarProgressDidget that looks better on OS X and Linux"

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Thu Oct 27 14:48:59 UTC 2016

On Thursday October 27 2016 21:54:39 Anton Anikin wrote:

Hi Anton,

>I have have small UI problem on my linux system (Arch) with your last commit: 
>when progress bar is shown, the height of bottom dock bar is changes 
>(increases), and when progress is closed height decreases back. Such "jumps" 
>is annoying :(

>iconSize.scale( maximumHeight - 2, maximumHeight - 2, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
>If the line is commented then dock bar resizing is not happens. Can you find 
>more accurate ("right way") solution for this problem?

Thanks for getting back to me on this, and sorry for the nuisance. I see the same thing locally on Linux. I'm a bit surprised I didn't notice this before, not even when I was looking at the widget to see the effects of my tuning. Maybe the widget bar height was just a bit higher when I designed my patch, and thus didn't change when the progress widget appeared. Looking at it now I think that bar indeed appears to be a bit too low in widget styles that aren't Breeze or Oxygen.

Anyway, I'll see how I can fix this ASAP.


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