Dash plugin for KDevelop

Anton Anikin anton.anikin at htower.ru
Tue Nov 22 08:57:36 UTC 2016


First, thanks a lot for your great documentation sets!

Currently I'm developing the plugin for KDevelop (kdevelop.org), which
provides integration of Dash docsets into KDevelop documentation
subsystem. Current pre-alpha version published at phabricator:
https://phabricator.kde.org/D3424. At now it uses docsets from locally
installed Zeal software (https://zealdocs.org/) and provides displaying
help pages with various ways including context help for current editor
item (provided by KDevelop DUChain subsystem).

Other developers offered me to add ability for installing (downloading)
docsets directly from KDevelop - it will be easiest and most comfortable
way for end-user. I found github repo with feeds and your licensing
rules says:

"This means that you are NOT allowed to use the docsets in any
application, be it online or offline, commercial or free. That said, if
you'd like permission, please contact me!"


Therefore, we (KDevelop team) would like to have your official
permission to use these docsets. KDevelop is cross-platform open-source
(GPL) multi-language IDE and integration of Dash docsets support would
be a great feature that will significantly increase the development
comfort for many users.


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