Review Request 128012: Check for an existing out-of-source build dir

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Wed May 25 17:44:10 UTC 2016

On Wednesday May 25 2016 19:03:24 René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> via QProcess and read its output, right? If so, the "universal" solution would be to call a helper shell script from a specific location, e.g.
> kdevelop-propose-build-dir <projectDir> [projectType]

// if helper script exists where it's expected (or in the path?):
QProcess customDirHelper;
customDirHelper.start("kdevelop-propose-build-dir", QStringList() << sourceFolder.path());
if (customDirHelper.waitForFinished()) {
    QString customDir = customDirHelper.readAllStandardOutput();
    if (QDir(customDir).exists()) {
        return Path(customDir);
// else do the usual stuff

That's hardly more complicated than the few lines I've proposed in the RR.


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