Talk to Code Completion Engine via Socket?

Alexander Potashev aspotashev at
Wed Mar 9 22:56:28 UTC 2016


I wanted to mention that Project Rider reportedly talks to its backend via ZMQ.

 * ReSharper (by JetBrains) is a C#-specific plugin for MS Visual
Studio to enhance code completion and static code analysis.
 * Project Rider is a new IDE built as a combination of IntelliJ and
ReSharper. Roughly speaking they've taken the UI of IntelliJ IDEA and
added code completion, etc already implemented in ReSharper.

The interesting news is this [1]:
[...] instead of reimplementing ReSharper’s features on the IntellIJ
Platform, which runs on the JVM, we’re using ReSharper in a headless
mode, out of process, and communicating with it via a very fast custom
binary protocol.

I didn't watch video at [1] yet, but from another talk by JetBrains'
Sergey Shkredov I remember that he mentioned the use of ZMQ as the
bottom layer for that "very fast custom binary protocol". I also
remember him saying that they plan to open this protocol later on.
When this happens, you/we might want to connect ReSharper to KDevelop
or may be... KDevelop C++ support to IntelliJ?

Hope this helps to induce some great ideas for KDevelop!


Alexander Potashev

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