Review Request 127749: First review of embedded plugin, development of embedded systems for KDevelop.

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Tue Apr 26 13:48:56 UTC 2016

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File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp


File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp


File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp

    if you are using the boardIds just to get the list of the names of the boards, why don't you just use the Board::instance().boards ?

File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp

    you used auto above, why not here too?
    foreach(const auto& device, devices) { ... }

File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp

    be consistent: you are using no brackets on some if's or foreaches (like the one above), and use on others. Please read the kdevelop coding style.

File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp

    prefer to use QCDebug

File Attachment: arduinowindow.h - arduinowindow.h

    why did you create the columns struct insteadof using a QStringList column_id; QStringList column_names? that way you don't need to copy each element on a QVector every time you need to populate thigns, just do column_names = names;

File Attachment: arduinowindow.h - arduinowindow.h

    this 'getData' method is exactly the same as the data() method, with the exception that it returns a column:
    QString Id = model.getData(modelIndex.row()).id;
    QString Name =;
    Also, an empty QString() is (), and not ("").

File Attachment: arduinowindow.h - arduinowindow.h


File Attachment: arduinowindow.cpp - arduinowindow.cpp

    you are deleting a uncreated variable, = crash.

File Attachment: embedded.cpp - embedded.cpp

    convert to new style signal.

File Attachment: embedded.cpp - embedded.cpp

    convert to new style signal.

File Attachment: embedded.cpp - embedded.cpp

    memory leak - you never free embeddedWindow.

File Attachment: embedded.cpp - embedded.cpp

    memory leak

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp


File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp


File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    initialize in the initializer list.

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    Initialize in the initializer list, also, memleak - you never free mDownloadManager.

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    use a random generated name.

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    magic number: create a constant for it and add a comment on what this is.

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    QStringList extractArgs;

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    Don't call a extrenal program to extract a file, use KArchive.

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    static initialize it:
    static QStringList defaultArduinoPath = { strings here };

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp


File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    return QString();

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.cpp - firsttimewizard.cpp

    return QString();

File Attachment: firsttimewizard.h - firsttimewizard.h

    you don't use settings like this, they should be created on the stack, not on the heap.

- Tomaz  Canabrava

On April 26, 2016, 3:05 a.m., patrick pereira wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 26, 2016, 3:05 a.m.)
> Review request for KDevelop, Sven Brauch, Kevin Funk, and Tomaz  Canabrava.
> Description
> -------
> Embedded plugin for KDevelop
> Diffs
> -----
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Review of embedded plugin for KDevelop
> Plugin created to help the development of embedded systems.
> .
> |-- CMakeLists.txt
> |--
> |-- arduinowindow.cpp
> |-- arduinowindow.h
> |-- arduinowindow.ui
> |-- boardsimg
> |   |-- ATmega644c3.svg
> |   |-- ATtiny85_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Adafruit_Atmega32u4_Breakout.svg
> |   |-- ArduPilotMega_v15_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino\ Nano3_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino\ Voice\ Shield-v16_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino-BLE-LowPower-RevB-final_5_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino-Ethernet-v11_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino-Fio-v22_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino-Mini-v5_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino-Pro-Mini-v13_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- ArduinoBluetoothMatev13_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_ADK_MEGA_2560-Rev3_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_DUE_V02b_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_Esplora_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_Ethernet_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_Leonardo_Rev3_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_MEGA_2560-Rev3_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_Micro_Rev03_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_Pro_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Arduino_bt07_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Ardumoto\ v13_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- LICENSE.CC-BY-SA
> |   |-- NetduinoPlus2.svg
> |   |--
> |   |-- TI_Launchpad_MSP430G2.1_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- TI_Launchpad_MSP430G2_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Teensy_2.0_++_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Teensy_2.0_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Teensy_3.0+pads_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Teensy_3.0_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Udoo_dual_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- Wiring_Sa99.svg
> |   |-- arduino_Uno_Rev3_breadboard-old.svg
> |   |-- arduino_Uno_Rev3_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- arduino_Yun(rev1)_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- arduino_mini_usb_adapter.svg
> |   |-- arduino_uno(rev3)-icsp_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- atlas-sientific_Conductivity\ Circuit_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- atlas-sientific_D.O.\ Circuit_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- intel-arduino-galileo_breadboard.svg
> |   |-- intel-arduino-galileo_gen2_breadboard.svg
> |   `-- intel_edison-hirosedf40_breadboard.svg
> |-- doc_templates
> |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
> |   |-- doxygen_cpp.txt
> |   |-- phpdoc_php.txt
> |   `-- rest_python.txt
> |-- embedded.cpp
> |-- embedded.h
> |-- embeddedproject
> |   |-- %{APPNAMELC}.cpp
> |   |-- %{APPNAMELC}.h
> |   |-- %{PROJECTDIRNAME}.kdev4
> |   |-- Makefile
> |   |-- embeddedproject.kdevtemplate
> |   |-- main.cpp
> |   `-- options.kcfg
> |-- firsttimewizard.cpp
> |-- firsttimewizard.h
> |-- firsttimewizard.ui
> |-- kdevembedded.json
> |-- kdevembedded.qrc
> |-- kdevembedded.rc
> |-- patrick.kdev4
> |-- toolkit.cpp
> `-- toolkit.h
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> CMakeLists.txt
> arduinowindow.cpp
> arduinowindow.h
> embedded.cpp
> embedded.h
> firsttimewizard.cpp
> firsttimewizard.h
> kdevembedded.json
> kdevembedded.qrc
> kdevembedded.rc
> toolkit.cpp
> toolkit.h
> Thanks,
> patrick pereira

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