KDevelop 4.7 and 5.x co-existence in the same prefix?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 10:20:23 UTC 2015


A hopefully quick question from a packager. If possible I'd like to give users (of MacPorts) the option to keep KDevelop 4.7 installed when they install v 5.x  . MacPorts installs the actual applications (skeleton app bundles) in dedicated KDE4 and KF5 folders under /Applications/MacPorts, so for instance a concurrent install of Kate4 and Kate5 was possible with only minimal tweaking of a few details. On the other end of the scale there is Kompare and, worse, Akonadi/KDEPIM (runtime clashes at the DBus level).

What can I expect with KDevelop in this aspect? I have already run KDevelop 4.7 and 4.90.90 (from April 2015) at the same time and even exchanged projects between them so it appears there are no runtime incompatibilities as long as the versions do not share the exact same prefix. What if they do?


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