Akademy 2014 BoF notes

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Thu Sep 11 13:40:09 UTC 2014

Hey all,

below you'll find the notes from this years Akademy BoF about KDevelop. If you 
did not attend and have questions about it, please go ahead and ask.

# sharing code with kate

- implement the KTextEditor interfaces
- first start with grepview, get rid of copy
- similar for snippets
- konsole as well
- then investigate what else to share, and how to share more, probably low-
prio since plugins are small
  - exmaples: document list, document switcher
- filtering of kate plugins which we do not want

- for external scripts, kate needs to implement
the notion of an output view

# frameworkification

- sharing VCS code
- debuggers
  - maybe not a framework but a "simplified" mode of
  kdevelop which can be run by other apps just to
  run the debugger etc. pp.
- once serialization code is cleaned up, make it a framework, maybe not worth 
it as we would be bound
to the api and fileformat. only export it once others really want to use it
- KDevelop::Path maybe

# cleanups

- DUChain
- get rid of oldcpp; probably once (basic) Qt integration is there
- once that is done, remove all the crap from DUChain that noone else is 

# releases

- kdev-qmljs
- kdev-ruby
- kdev-css
- kdev-qmake

# random ui notes

- indication that project is being loaded
- get rid of the toolview buttons somehow
- simplify UI and features

# splitting

- splitting should be simpler, sane user interface
don't allow deep nesting
- toggle splitting instead of add split without ability to close quickly
- one global list of documents, cycle does not switch split area

attention: vim and kate also support what we do now
maybe we just need saner shortcuts to allow navigation
and easy closing of the split view
maybe also add shortcuts to go up/down/left/right

all agree: add a close split view shortcut, see kate

# first impression

- toolbar actions, remove or merge
  - get rid of:
    - editor actions
    - two stop actions
- long press to change launch
- devs should use the defaults more
- save file -> default path, reuse current path
- open project -> same, reuse last project path

# kdevelop awesomebar / command line

- like kate command line but with more features
- find, replace, quick open, vcs, run, debug,
build, clean, project management, new, move, copy
- look at baloo query parser
- think about kate integration
- look at how qtcreator does it
- needs proof of concept
- essentially quick-open matching with commands

# build sequence

- build set -> rename
- maybe separate toolview/kcm
- build project of current file by default
- super targets / chained targets
  - show in project view
  - build Foo, Bar and Asdf
  - run Script A, B, C
  - do Magic
  -> profit
Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de

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