[GSoC 2014] QML, Quick and Qt Designer in KDevelop

Denis Steckelmacher steckdenis at yahoo.fr
Sun Mar 9 18:03:19 UTC 2014

On 03/07/2014 12:17 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
> On the other hand, I'm much more interested in seeing the QML/JS
> Language support polished, integration of the Profiler/Debugger, etc.
> Furthermore, there's lots to accomplish in the JS integration for web
> developers. Becoming interesting to that public would be very interesting.

I've downloaded and installed the kdev-qmljs plugin and the language 
support itself is already quite usable, even though I have not yet 
explored all the features. I've submitted two small patches, just to get 
a hand on the code, and they are already in master (Sven Brauch is very 

Integrating a profiler and debugger seems to be a big task that could 
easily span an entire three-months summer, but is there also something 
else that still has to be done and that could be subject to a GSoC project?

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