Contributing to KDevelop project...

Milian Wolff mail at
Thu Feb 20 22:12:36 UTC 2014

On Thursday 20 February 2014 22:24:37 Radek Taciński wrote:
> Hi,

Hey Radek! See the bottom of this mail for a response.

> I would like to contribute to the KDevelop project - supporting it on
> Windows could be a good start...
> That would be my first open-source project contribution, so I may not be
> familiar with all the stuff I probably should know about...
> Let me introduce myself: I'm 33, I live in Poland and I have 7+ years
> professional experience in C++ (+ 2 years of C#.NET before that), recently
> (for couple years) more focused on project management, although I still am
> involved in creating new code as well as find & fix bugs.
> I would like to contribute to this project - mainly to "stop working at
> home" after hours :)
> And it would be a good experience for me also...
> If you think I could help in development of KDevelop - please, let me
> know...
> Best regards,
> Radek
> PS - I could not find an email to send this message to, somehow I did not
> want to spam the entire development list...

But that would have been the proper address :) I'm forwarding this email there 
now, please register to the mailing list and direct further mails there.

If you have windows knowledge and want to get KDevelop up and running there 
this would be an awesome contribution! We are waiting for people to step up on 
that platform for years. Kevin Funk (also registered on this list) recently 
played with KDevelop on Windows. He should be able to give some input.

Furthermore, we are in the process of porting the codebase to KF5 (KDE 
Frameworks 5), which promises a much more modular foundation for us to build 
on. We are not there yet, but maybe it would make sense to put any windows 
effort there? The other developers who work on that should give you some input 
on this matter.

Cheers, and welcome :)

Milian Wolff
mail at

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