KDevelop on Mac OS

Alexander Dymo alex at alexdymo.com
Fri Oct 11 16:32:38 UTC 2013

> Great news Alexander! It's great that someone of us finally uses  
> KDevelop on Mac. Is it stable so far?

Yes, it's rock stable for me so far (but I'm using old ruby language  
support plugin most of the times).

The only problem was that project manager can't dir watch large projects.  
AFAIK this is Qt4 limitation that should be fixed in Qt5. This fixes the  
--- a/project/abstractfilemanagerplugin.cpp
+++ b/project/abstractfilemanagerplugin.cpp
@@ -467,8 +467,9 @@
                  this, SLOT(created(QString)));
          connect(d->m_watchers[project], SIGNAL(deleted(QString)),
                  this, SLOT(deleted(QString)));
+#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
KDirWatch::WatchSubDirs | KDirWatch:: WatchFiles );

      return projectRoot;

> Esp. could either of you try to parse e.g. akonadi or any other project  
> using  Boost in KDevelop on Mac?

Ok, I'll try that.

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