parse cpp files imported by #include "*.cpp"

black 1537534854 at
Thu Nov 21 03:24:57 UTC 2013

I am have one question that can we make the cpp parser of kdevelop
parse "*.cpp" files imported directly by "#include "*.cpp" . Here is an

//begin cppfile1.cpp

int var_global;


//end cppfile1.cpp

##############main.cpp ###################

//begin main.cpp

#include <iostream>
int main(int argc ,char **argv)
//do something else;

#include "cppfile1.cpp"
std::cout<<"The varlue of var_global is "<<var_global<<std::endl;

//do something else;

//end main.cpp

The kdevelop will give us some errors on when parsing. I am new here ,
and I want to fix it .
If you have any idea, please give me some hints.

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