Make settings not visible amymore in custom project manager

Alexandre Courbot gnurou at
Sun May 5 07:41:33 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

For the kdev-kernel plugin, I use the IMakeBuilder interface to build
the kernel. Because of this, I am expecting to find the make settings
panel (which allows to specify e.g. the number of jobs) in the
configuration of projects managed by my plugin. Strangely, this panel
is not appearing since I recompiled the plugin for 4.5 and I cannot
figure out why. It has never been totally clear to me what makes this
panel appear anyway - I can see it with CMake-managed projects, but
have not been able to find out the link between the CMake project
manager and the make builder. How does one get this panel to appear in
a given project manager's settings?

Any pointer would be appreciated. In case it is helpful, the source of
my plugin is here:

It's a pretty straightforward plugin, nothing complicated in there
(but probably a few things wrong :P).


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