unifying libdiff2

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Jul 18 23:05:53 UTC 2013

On Thursday 18 July 2013 at 14:04:52, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> One other question, do we want the library to be called libdiff2 as the
> directory is named? or libkomparediff2 as the .so is named?  I'd like to
> make them match, so I'd change one or the other to make them match.

I'd go with libkomparediff2. (libdiff2 is too generic, it'd make sense if this 
were a really general diff library without any KDE dependencies and used by 
many diffing apps, but that's not what this library is.)

(As for your other question, I'm going to defer the answer until we know 
whether option A is even implementable, as per your followup. If not, there's 
no decision to be made there. ;-) )

        Kevin Kofler

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