KDevelop: filtering capabilities of outputview's outputmodel

Morten Volden mvolden2 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 12:33:30 UTC 2012

Hi Jeremy

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I took the liberty of forwarding your mail and my reply to kdevelop-devel
mailing list. The more eyes on these things in general means they get fixed
faster. Please post any replies to this mail to the list as well.

After trying myself I can confirm your bug report. It must have slipped
under my radar because the clickable items do not have anything to indicate
they are clickable (IMHO this not correct).

Will try to see if I can come up with something.



2012/11/22 Jeremy Murphy <jeremy.william.murphy at gmail.com>

> Hi Morten,
> I was wondering about this change that you made back in June, commit
> 85a93d6e0b7bd64cd9c366b933c64f5365bc2b9c.  I think it has stopped a minor
> feature from working, and I'm just wondering if that was intentional or
> accidental?  I've reported it as a bug #308846<https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=308846>,
> so you can read the details there, but basically, any black text in the
> output window such as link errors or inclusion references don't jump to the
> file location that they refer to any more.  Sorry to pester you about it,
> but I really miss that feature so I'm hoping ultimately to get it back
> somehow.  :)  Thanks, cheers.
> Jeremy

- When the split is pulled, mr. Grenade is no longer our friend
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