Why is "Show uses" sometimes so slow?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun May 27 19:28:10 UTC 2012


Am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012 schrieb Alexandre Courbot :

> Hi everyone,
> I could not help but notice that the "Show uses" option, one of the
> best features of KDevelop, somtimes take an unexpected long time to
> complete, especially for symbols that are referenced a large number of
> times in a project. The background parser would kick in and take
> almost as long as it did for the initial project parsing.
> I am just wondering why this is so - in my mind, the project parsing
> is supposed to cache this kind of information already and it should be
> retrieved instantly. So why is there this additional processing? Is it
> something that could be improved? (I wouldn't mind spending a couple
> hours on this. ;)

The parsing of theproject sources only retrieves some of the available
information. Mostly whats needed to supply auto-completion and type
information. Calculating uses is only done on demand (and then cached),
since it requires an extraordinary amount of time to be done for all code
and also increases the memor footprint significantly. And its not necesary
for many of the smbols in a project.

Personally I do mind if code-completion and other things take considerable
time after opening a project the first time, since it means kdevelop is
less useful and slows down working.

That being said, IIRC you can change the amount of information gathered in
the kdevelop settings for the parser.

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