A quick way to crash Kdevelop 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Feb 9 10:38:24 UTC 2012

On 09.02.12 05:05:01, Michael Hart wrote:
> I got the FastCGI / CGI C++ Library from "URL http://cgi.sourceforge.net/"
> to play around with
> After making a project for the simplest example "Hello World" using the
> following code
> Just opening up an editor, or copying the code in to the Kdevelop 4 code
> editor crashes Kdevelop 4.

I cannot reproduce this here with master from Jan 18th. Kdevelop parses
all the related code just fine.

> Sometime Kdevelop 4 will open but, I guess, as intellisense does its job
> Kdevelop 4 with spontaneously crashes. Once it crashed so bad that it took
> out my KDE desktop; had to restart X

What do you mean with "Kdevelop took out the KDE desktop"? In general
the only thing that KDevelop could do is eat up all memory, but the
oom-killer in current kernels should take out kdevelop only or whole
X11. Of course before that happens everything will get a lot slower
since the machine will start swapping. So a bit more details would be
useful on this.

> I for a time I though I trace back the problem to Kdevelop 4 trying to
> parse the BOOST 1.48 asio file socket_acceptor_service.hpp

Hmm, boost 1.42 here.


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