Database Project - ILanguageSupport

Milian Wolff mail at
Mon Feb 6 21:42:42 UTC 2012

On Monday 06 February 2012 09:40:42 Miguel Tadeu wrote:
> Hi  Niko,
> In deed I'll need a connection. Here's what I have at the moment. I created
> a new project template and I'm starting a SQL language support.
> I'm still a little green on the kdevelop architecture so bare with me for a
> while and please guide a bit(saying where I'm wrong or point me to
> documentation)...
> For now, I need to add some options, specific for database management...but
> I think these options should only be available to the template I created.
> Is there a way to do this?
> Another question is, I'll need to create some environment vars. How can I
> access them from my language support class?
> As for c++ project(and other project types or templates), of course they
> need databases :) but not inside the c++ project itself, I guess. That
> would probably mess up kdevelop a bit. What I'm proposing is a separate
> database project to manage a database only. I think it will make it cleaner
> then giving database support for already existing templates.

OK, let me try to clarify then:

- project templates say *nothing* about your actual project. Imagine someone 
imports an existing project into KDevelop that uses a database. There is no 
way to associate that with a project template

- what you should do instead, is to add a  project configuration entry, see 

-> makebuilderpreferences.{h,cpp}
-> makebuilderconfig.{kcfg,kcfgc}
-> kcm_kdev_makebuilder.desktop

There you could add the UI required to configure a database connection.


Milian Wolff
mail at
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